Attend the CloudOS Signature Events

Get hands-on with the new technology, and learn how to manage and build your modern data center with the Microsoft Cloud OS platform: Windows Server 2012, Windows Azure, Visual Studio 2012 and System Center 2012

Register Here:

     Can’t make the launch in person, then join us online (Sept 4th, 8:00AM):

Server 2012 Jump Start series on TechNet

Configuring and deploying Microsoft’s Private Cloud–Microsoft Virtual Academy

Just in case you haven’t seen it yet, check out the Microsoft Virtual Academy for a MMS warm-up.

Configuring and deploying Microsoft’s Private Cloud

During the 8 modules of this specialization, you will be introduced to all the elements of building the Microsoft private cloud. You’ll learn how to optimize and deploy the private cloud starting at the infrastructure layer. You’ll also be introduced to advanced virtualization management features and the concept and implementation of the System Center’s private cloud application service model.
